transformer:the deep chemistry of life and death

Nick Lane tackles the complex problem of human metabolic functioning through the eyes of evolution. He dives deep, deep into the past, far past the point of Paleolithic speculation and into the abyss of unknown that forged the first organic life forms on this planet. I found a wealth of information as he illustrates a pathway of metabolic evolution that sheds light not only on the grandiose question of where these complicated human bodies came from, but also the less glamorous yet just as crucial components of the intricate inner workings that serve all living things in their eternal search for energy - including and especially us. The value of understanding the perfered states and common conflicts of the human metabolic system via deep bio chemistry cannot be understated. It allows the reader to access an understanding of the rules of energy, an invaluable asset that translates to better decision making in everyday life . Such a profound understanding of the roots of how energy is processed and consumed within our own internal carbon-computers allows the individual to look at healthy eating and living with a much broader and yet more accurate lens than is offered in limited perspective offered by the standard diet or exercise routine.

Although a basic understanding of chemistry undoubtedly makes this read even more fascinating, it is not at all required so don’t be shy about this one - it’s really incredible.

I 110% recommend this book as MUST for anybody:

  • looking to learn more about the field of biology, specifically as it blurs into chemistry

  • Looking to better their understanding of the core concepts of metabolic function on a chemical and biological level

  • Curious about the most recent and developed theories of the evolution of carbon based life


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